Our Philosophy

Buzz by itself is not enough.

We find the spice that will get you noticed, and dig deep to keep your story rooted while highlighting your unique value proposition.


Our secret spice is in the way we work.

Achieving communications success means getting it right the first time – there is no second chance to make a good first impression.

Our experience proves that a disciplined approach based on four steps generates the best results: Plan, Create, Communicate and Measure


Our approach is to ask the critical questions and to listen before we begin. A lot of people have the answers…the challenge is knowing the right questions.


We translate bits and bytes into business benefits to find the spice that will spark interest. 

We track topics that are trending, monitor your competition, leverage your existing marketing materials and brainstorm with you to build a continuous content pipeline that will get you noticed and remembered.


We maintain ongoing relations with your target media to ensure no exposure opportunity is missed, tailoring each pitch to match their readership styles and tastes, so your stories are covered.  We share media feedback with you for continuous improvement, keeping our content provocative, relevant and trustworthy.


The impact of your communications campaigns should be measured both on the quality and quantity of your coverage. We meet with you to review and analyze the results on a regular basis, and tweak the plan based on lessons learned to bring the most value.